Forever Flowers Kansas City, LLC Wedding Florest

Location: Kansas City, MO
I was born and raised in Paris, France and came to the U.S. in 2011 to go to college. I met my husband there and we are now raising an amazing little boy and our two dogs. My mom and grandma used to take me to all the museums, expositions, plays, etc. They made me fall in love with art.

I started to paint and sculpt when I was 10. My love for art never faded as life became busy. I consider each and every bouquet/arrangement a unique piece of art, and pour my heart in every creation.

I love wood flowers for home decor because they bring light and a touch of color in your house without having to worry about them dying in a couple days. And for weddings, they are the perfect token of your love, or gift for the bridal party/family.


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